Our advisory approach takes deep investment in relationship building with the core leadership stakeholders of organisations, understanding their unique transformation journey, culture, values, employer brand, customer, and employee experience. The analysis of insights and market leading assessments yield to observations which assist directors and business leaders address challenges, design tailored strategies, and execute their board agendas.

Adopting a 360 perspective to address talent gaps in organisations, KPMG assists clients with navigating the complexities of talent gaps. Acquiring talent may be a tough journey, which at times, exerts additional pressures on the organisation's operational and financial health. As a result, KPMG provides interim and long term solutioning, both internally and externally focused towards the acquisition of talent.

Operating in an ever competitive and candidate driven market, we provide advice and assistance, job architecture, and boards compensation and benefits' solutions.

Talent Acquisition and Executive Profiling

What issues are our clients facing?

  • Limitations and time constraints in finding top talent to join their organisation.
  • Lack of access to a specialised talent pool in terms of geography and industry.
  • Lengthy candidate screening processes.
  • Costs related to maintaining internal recruitment structures within their organisation.

What do we do to help clients tackle these challenges?

  • We champion in delivering a data-driven specialised talent search process to attract a representative pool of candidates, who would be invaluable contenders for each vacancy presented to us by the client.
  • We profile candidates assessing their personal competencies, whilst discussing and evaluating with them their career ambitions and motivations.
  • We present our market observations and assist the client with the evaluation and selection process.
  • We serve as leading advisors to boards of directors and leadership teams with customised talent solutions, adopting organisational transformation best practices ingrained with robust design, comms, evaluation, and quality measures.

What are the benefits of Talent Acquisition Business Partnership?

A source of competitive advantage, of business value, and not only a service centre

A source of competitive advantage, of business value, and not only a service centre

Innovative end-to-end Talent Acquisition Advisory solutioning

Innovative end-to-end Talent Acquisition Advisory solutioning

Consistent process status reporting

Consistent process status reporting

Reliability to secure fit-for-role hires

Reliability to secure fit-for-role hires

A holistic approach to Talent Acquisition and Executive Profiling

Geo Insights Light Purple 2
Gaining an understanding of company resource needs

Gaining an understanding of company resource needs

This involves conducting a thorough analysis of the organisation's current and future workforce requirements. It includes assessing the skills, qualifications, and experience needed for various roles, as well as understanding the company's growth plans and strategic objectives. This process helps in aligning recruitment efforts with the overall goals of the company.

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Gaining an understanding of company resource needs

Participation in Panel Interviews

Once shortlisted candidates are approved for a second interview, we schedule and participate in panel interviews and provide our unbiased feedback on the candidate’s performance.

Geo Insights Light Purple 2
Gaining an understanding of company resource needs

Salary - Market / Benchmarking

Salary benchmarking involves comparing the salary and benefits offered by an organisation for a particular role with the industry standards and competitors. This ensures that the compensation package is competitive and attractive to potential candidates. It helps to retain current employees and attract new talent by offering fair and market-driven remuneration.

Geo Insights Light Purple 2
Gaining an understanding of company resource needs

Offering our guidance during onboarding processes

Once an agreement is signed, companies then need to prepare an effective onboarding process. This influences a candidate’s perception of their new employer and encourages a more seamless start.

Geo Insights Light Purple 2
Gaining an understanding of company resource needs

Initial, structured interviews to promote quality profiles

Using KPMG designed internal evaluation reports, our specialists hold initial interviews in order to further qualify candidates prior to endorsing the profile. This is a key process that ensures we promote quality candidates, who we believe are a match to the role and company culture.

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Gaining an understanding of company resource needs

Actively guide and advise during negotiations

Candidates who have successfully met our clients’ expectations then proceed with receiving an offer of employment. This stage is reliant upon market salary knowledge, remuneration budgets, and negotiations to find an agreement which best suits both parties.

Geo Insights Light Purple 2
Gaining an understanding of company resource needs

Talent sourcing / Filtering

Talent sourcing is the process of identifying and attracting potential candidates for a job opening. This can involve using various channels such as job boards, social media, networking events, and recruitment agencies. Filtering is the subsequent step where applications and resumes are screened to shortlist candidates who best match the job requirements. Automated systems and tools may be employed to streamline this process.

Geo Insights Light Purple 2
Gaining an understanding of company resource needs

Job analysis / Job description

Job analysis is the process of gathering, documenting, and analysing information about a job. This information is then used to create a detailed job description, which outlines the responsibilities, duties, qualifications, and other relevant details about a specific role within the organisation. A well-crafted job description is crucial for attracting the right candidates and setting expectations for the position.

Our Services

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