The public sector, private sector, and society at large is constantly evolving and changing with the latest technologies. Recent advancements in Artificial Intelligence, in particular Generative Artificial Intelligence, is accelerating digital transformation across all industries and enhancing the online experience for customers and organisations in several ways, from providing improved customer experiences to efficient customer support, in particular targeting marketing and ad profiling, analysing consumer sentiment, and customising and personalising user experiences in real time for all customer segments and personas to maximise engagement and revenue. Artificial Intelligence driven innovation helps organisations in embracing a data-driven culture that enables its people to use data and Artificial Intelligence for decision-making processes supported by modern data strategy and operations.

Our AI Services

AI Awareness

AI awareness sessions to help your organisation instil a data and AI driven culture through upskilling and/or reskilling of employees. The organisation will build confidence from an AI literacy aspect including the form of AI and appropriate techniques that should be used to achieve the organisation’s vision objectives.


AI Strategy

Development of an AI strategy for your organisation based on the business and data strategy. This includes the strategic AI vision, relevant use cases, and implementation roadmap. Other considerations such as governance, risks, benefits, technology, infrastructure, skillset, regulations, and change management will also be included.


AI Adoption Enablement

A co-creation exercise designed to help organisations identify how to best utilise and adopt AI with the aim of maximising the potential impact on their business operations whilst ensuring that this is done safely, responsibly, ethically, trustworthy, and in compliance with the current AI legislation, namely the EU AI Act.


AI Solution Development

Identification of the most suitable and impacting AI solutions for your organisation based on current technology stack, priorities, end-benefits, and impact. AI solution development services range from end-to-end AI solutions to focused engagements targeting solution architecture, Proof-of-Concept development, custom developments, and integration of off-the-shelf AI products.


How can KPMG assist with your AI Journey?

Through KPMG’s Trusted AI Framework, we help develop, and deploy an end-to-end Trusted AI program across the AI lifecycle. Through this framework we empower our clients to unlock the potential of their business by integrating AI technology into their operations in a secure, sustainable, responsible, ethical, trustworthy, and profitable manner, while maintaining and even increasing legal and regulatory compliance.

KPMG Responsible AI Framework

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