Keith Cortis

AI Lead, Digital Solutions

KPMG in Malta

Keith specialises in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data-driven research, development, and innovation projects. He has led and handled research and innovation projects at both a European and national level and has worked in academia, the private sector, and the public sector on numerous fields and areas. As KPMG's AI subject matter expert, he leads AI-driven projects, provides consultancy services on AI at a strategic, architectural, technical, and governance level, and delivers AI awareness sessions to help organisations understand how to best utilise and adopt AI to maximise the potential business impact.

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Data and Analytics
  • Digital adoption and transformation
  • Emerging Technology
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Dublin City University

  • Master of Applied Science, University of Galway

  • Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (Hons) (Melit.), University of Malta