KPMG in Malta launches new mobile phone app

KPMG in Malta launches new mobile phone app

KPMG in Malta have launched a new mobile phone app.

kpmg mobile app

KPMG in Malta have launched a new mobile phone application available on iPhone, Blackberry and Android devices. The application allows users to receive and view KPMG-related news, job listings, events, financial services information, markets and industry articles and much more. 

The locally produced application boasts a wide array of helpful tools and features including the ability to download content, contact authors directly and view relevant videos and webpages online. In addition to being a handy repository for a wide variety of business, accounting and tax related content, the application allows users to share such content online through social media websites and email. The user-friendly KPMG Malta application is available to download for free from: App store and Android Market respectively.  

© 2025 KPMG, a Maltese civil partnership and a member firm of the KPMG global organisation of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.

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