The Net Asset Value of locally-based collective investment schemes as at June 2022, amounts to over 21billion Euro, making the industry one of the largest sector within the Maltese financial services industry.
Malta has established itself as the home of several funds, fund managers and other asset servicing providers, whilst providing a flexible environment that is attractive to smaller funds and start-ups. The strength comes from its Jurisdiction and Malta’s credibility in the industry continues to be supported by the fact that several high-profile, complex, retail, professional and alternative fund structures have been domiciled in the country. This is fuelled by attractive fiscal incentives, competitive prices, a pool of competent talent, and a coveted address inside the European Union. Similarly, Malta has also seen increasing numbers of fund managers, boutique asset managers, corporate service providers and financial services practitioners setting up on the island, with the sector gaining momentum due to increased activity.
The importance of investors’ rights and protection is on the ever increase. This is nurtured with increased regulatory scrutiny, transparency and good governance which are considered as the pinnacle of the financial services sector. In the country, this is overseen by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA), which is the single competent authority, enforcing the legislation within this sector, which adheres to EU standards and codes, as well as those of most other international frameworks. Malta’s regulatory scrutiny, assisted with a dynamic yet approachable regulator, have long become selling points for funds or related entities to set-up shop in Malta.
The advantages offered by the Maltese Jurisdiction include:
- Forms part of the Eurozone and an EU Member State since 2004.
- Malta deploys a robust regulatory and supervisory framework ranging from emphasis on the fitness and properness of the senior individuals in a company, to demanding amongst others, quarterly reporting and audited annual financial statements.
- A single regulator for Banking, Securities and Insurance which is highly accessible and robust.
- Regulated quality global service providers in all areas, making it an excellent asset servicing location.
- Qualified professionals.
- Lower operational costs than other European jurisdictions.
- Quick and non-complex set-up processes.
- Offers a versatile range of investment structures and fund products that can be tailored to meet the various needs of many fund initiators.
- Multilingual and professional work-force – an English-speaking country with professionals usually speaking four languages.
- Possibility of Fund listing on the Malta Stock Exchange.
- Possibility of creation of umbrella funds.
- Possibility of creating and using different distribution strategies using EU passporting rights and regulatory framework.
- Possibility of using foreign fund managers and custodians.
- Embraces one of the most competitive tax structure within the EU, yet fully OECD compliant.
- Provides an excellent network of double taxation agreements.
How can we help you?
Our qualified and experienced team composed of lawyers, accountants, advisors, and operational experts is available to assist from the very early stages of any venture. We may assist you with the set-up of the fund, and/or management company in Malta and provide ongoing advice and assistance to ensure compliance with local laws and regulations once the fund is in existence.
Should you wish to find out more about setting up in Malta, do feel free to get in touch. We would love to help.