Līna Gavare

Assistant to Attorney at Law, KPMG Law in Latvia

KPMG in Latvia

Līna has 9 years of experience as a professional lawyer with a total of 12 years of experience in the legal field, having started her legal career during her studies. Līna’s main specialisation is employment law and immigration (from assisting with routine matters to more complex issues related to employment disputes and litigation), and she has gained invaluable experience in various legal compliance matters (AML, public procurement, competition law), and general corporate law.

Field of expertise

  • Legal compliance
  • Labour law and immigration
  • Corporate law

Work experience

  • 2015–present — Assistant to Attorney at Law, KPMG Law
  • 2014–2015 — Legal Assistant, KPMG in Latvia, Tax and Legal Department
  • 2013 — Intern at law firm “Ellex Kļaviņš”
  • 2012 — Intern at the Commission for Social and Labour Affairs of the Saeima of the Republic of Latvia


Latvian, English, French

  • Professional Master of Law, Lawyer’s Qualification, University of Latvia, Faculty of Law (2015)

  • Bachelor's degree in Law, University of Latvia, Faculty of Law (2013)

  • Latvian Bar Association