Banking performance indicators

Luxembourg banking insights 2023

Benchmark your bank by deep diving into balance sheet and P&L data together with performance indicators for each bank type.

Home Insights Luxembourg banking insights 2023 Banking performance indicators

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Banking industry segmentation

Our study is based on 77 banks located in Luxembourg, covering 70% of the total amount of assets on the market. We have divided them into four different segments based on their business type:

  • Commercial banks, which focus on deposits, business loans, payments and basic investment products.
  • Private banks, which manage the personal finance of high-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) by providing a wide range of financial services.
  • Depositary banks, which focus on custody services for their own groups and institutional clients around the world.
  • Universal banks, which provide a combination of the services offered by commercial, private and depositary banks.

Two banks that specialize in issuing covered bonds were not included in these four segments due to their specific business type. Branches have also been excluded from the analysis.

Breakdown by business type

In this annual analysis of the Luxembourg banking market, we focus on the performance indicators that reflect the overall trends of each banking segment.

We gathered the financial data of banks’ annual accounts as of December 2022, of which 66% used LuxGAAP methodology and the remaining 34% IFRS. As both methodologies result in different levels of granularity, we have standardized all indicators for both accounting schemes to provide accurate and consistent results.

Regulatory classification* of the 77 banks included in our analysis

Other SI
Banks/groups designated as other significant institutions (SIs)
Banks/groups designated as significant institutions (SIs)
Less significant institutions

* ECB List of Supervised Entities

Key performance indicators

An overview of the key performance indicators of the bank types covered in this study.

Universal banks Depositary banks Private banks Commercial banks
Cost/income ratio 55.20% 57.85% 69.72% 55.20%
-1.61% -3.32% -5.01% -1.61%
Return on equity 5.86% 13.63% 4.79% 6.02%
0.81% 4.12% -1.07% -1.02%
Return on assets 0.54% 0.96% 0.39% 0.61%
0.07% 0.35% -0.09% -0.11%
Interest margin 0.96% 0.59% 0.61% 1.43%
0.12% 0.32% 0.23% 0.18%
Commission margin 0.37% 1.31% 1.27% 0.81%
0.01% 0.08% -0.11% -0.02%
Net profit/FTEs 139,028 272,771 73,109 217,212
18.24% 63% -16.25% -20.46%
Employee costs/FTEs 118,376 132,873 166,649 149,919
3.25% 3.77% 4% -2.67%

Average number of employees per banking segment

Benchmark your bank

Click each button to view balance sheet and P&L components together with performance indicators by bank type.

Profit and loss overview

Total operating income (average in EUR million)

Average 2022: Total operating income EUR 455.27 million

Total operating income variation (2021-22) 12.37%

Total operating costs (average in EUR million)

Average 2022: Total operating costs EUR 257.52 million

Total operating costs variation (2021-22) 9.87%

Net profit (average in EUR million)

The 2-year surge in net profits was mainly driven by the growth in banks’ net interest income in 2022.

The total operating income and total operating costs rose slightly in 2022, mainly due to higher inflation rates.

Balance sheet overview

Balance sheet (in EUR million)

Equity (average per banking segment) EUR 2.5 billion+2.5%

In 2022, the average asset amount rose slightly by 1.5%.

Loan-to-deposit (customer) ratio

Profit and loss overview

Total operating income (average in EUR million)

Average 2022: Total operating income EUR 281.87 million

Total operating income variation (2021-22) 34.77%

Total operating costs (average in EUR million)

Average 2022: Total operating costs EUR 163.07 million

Total operating costs variation (2021-22) 27.47%

Net profit (average in EUR million)

The jump in overall net profits in 2022 was mainly due to depositary banks’ interest and commission income exceeding their operating costs.

Balance sheet overview

Balance sheet (in EUR million)

Equity (average per banking segment) EUR 0.78 billion+2.6%

The average total balance sheet amount dipped slightly by 0.3% compared to 2021.

Loan-to-deposit (customer) ratio

Profit and loss overview

Total operating income (average in EUR million)

Average 2022: Total operating income EUR 114.94 million

Total operating income variation (2021-22) 15.73%

Total operating costs (average in EUR million)

Average 2022: Total operating costs EUR 80.13 million

Total operating costs variation (2021-22) 7.65%

Net profit (average in EUR million)

In 2022, private banks were able to boost their interest income for the first time in several years, while the commission income fell slightly.

Overall, there was a light increase in net profits compared to 2021.

Balance sheet overview

Balance sheet (in EUR million)

Equity (average per banking segment) EUR 0.78 billion+2.6%

The loan-to-deposit ratio rose slightly in 2022 due to the fall in customer deposits.

Loan-to-deposit (customer) ratio

Profit and loss overview

Total operating income (average in EUR million)

Average 2022: Total operating income EUR 79.72 million

Total operating income variation (2021-22) 17.23%

Total operating costs (average in EUR million)

Average 2022: Total operating costs EUR 44.09 million

Total operating costs variation (2021-22) 7.74%

Net profit (average in EUR million)

There was no significant change in 2022’s net profit compared to the previous year. However, profits rose slightly due to a bump in net interest income.

Balance sheet overview

Balance sheet (in EUR million)

Equity (average per banking segment) EUR 0.29 billion+0.3%

The total balance sheet rose in 2022, with a slight increase in the customer loan-to-deposit ratio compared with 2021.

Loan-to-deposit (customer) ratio

Banking insights

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Meet our team

Stanislas Chambourdon

Stanislas Chambourdon

Partner, Growth and Strategy
KPMG Luxembourg

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Marco Weber

Marco Weber

Partner, Banking
KPMG Luxembourg

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Benedikt Barz

Benedikt Barz

Partner, Banking
KPMG Luxembourg

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