English publication of the report “For the Esports Development in Japan”

English publication of the report “For the Esports Deve

For the preparation of the report by the “Investigative Commission on Measures for Vitalizing Esports”, entrusted by Japan esports Union (JeSU), we have conducted esports market research and analysis by estimating the market scale of esports in Japan, interviewing esports experts from foreign countries, and summarizing the necessary research and proposal points to proceed the discussion within the Investigative Commission members.


"For the Esports Development in Japan (from the perspective of further market growth and social significance)", a comprehensive report that KPMG Consulting Co., Ltd. Japan has supported the completion of, has been published through the official website of Japan eSports Union (JeSU).
JeSU was entrusted for “FY2019 Project for Development of Environments for Creating New Contents” (a project for research on and analysis of market scale and other elements for esports) from the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), and has gathered esports experts to host "Investigative Commission on Measures for Vitalizing Esports (IC)" (that was held five times starting from September 2019 to February 2020). The content of the discussion by the IC members is summarized in this report.
Furthermore, an expert of the esports industry from KPMG Consulting Co., Ltd. Japan has attended the IC as an observer.

Main discussion points

  • Estimate the long-term goal of the Japan esports market scale including the economic ripple effect to surrounding markets and industries
  • Conduct research on the background of how esports has developed in foreign countries and then analyze the results
  • Propose the mid to long-term actions, essential to the further development of esports
  • Propose of the mid to long-term actions for the establishment of social significance

The report can be accessed through the official website of JeSU.
Report "For the Esports Development in Japan, from the perspective of further market growth and social significance"

See below for further details
Discussion - For the Esports Development in Japan

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