RPA (Robotic Process Automation)
RPA (Robotic Process Automation)
RPA enables the automation of a wide range of human handled tasks by leveraging cognitive tools such as AI and machine learning.
RPA enables the automation of a wide range of human handled tasks by leveraging …
What is RPA?
Key points to further understand RPA
RPA, also called “Digital Labor”, enables the automation of a wide range of human handled tasks by leveraging cognitive tools such as AI and machine learning.
Digital Labor
The automation of a large portion of tasks which have until now been considered to be manageable only by humans.
What can Digital Labor do?
For example, Digital Labor can be utilized to perform an expense report check quickly and with complete accuracy, normally a time consuming process for a finance department. Robots can learn human-handled procedures and automate a broad range of tasks.
Why does this receive such considerable attention by companies?
The current business climate includes workforce shortages, caused by decreasing birthrates and an aging population, in addition to the government’s promotion of work-life balance. Because of these reasons, workplace efficiency is vital to maintain their sustainable growth, now more than ever. By automating time consuming tasks, employees are able to use their time more efficiently and are allowed to focus on higher level tasks.
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