Defending against unwanted surprises: Bribery and Corruption Due diligence

Defending against Bribery and Corruption

We look at rigorous anti-bribery legislation and risks in mergers and acquisitions, and 10 good practice principles for anti-bribery due diligence

Forensic Focus - Bribery and Corruption Due Diligence

Forensic Focus

Defending against unwanted surprises: Bribery and Corruption Due diligence

Globalization has entered a new phase, posing greater challenges for anti-bribery and corruption (ABC) compliance than ever before. Purchasers investing around the globe are faced with the increasing challenge of responding to a changing legislative and business environment in correlation with the fight against bribery and corruption.

In this edition of Forensic Focus, Defending Against Unwanted Surprises: Bribery and Due Diligence, we investigate the enforcement of rigorous anti-bribery and corruption. We also explore the risks of investing internationally (M&A), as both the legal and business threats of bribery and corruption can emerge if not properly managed.

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