GCC Family Business Survey 2017

GCC Family Business Survey 2017

In the GCC, perhaps more than anywhere else world-wide, family businesses are all around us. From small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), to renowned multinational corporations – family owned and managed companies in all guises form the backbone of the region’s economy.



Dr. Rasheed Al-Qenae

Chairman of the KPMG Middle East, South Asia, Caucasus and Central Asia (MESAC) region and Managing Partner, KPMG in Kuwait

KPMG Advisory W.L.L.


In this report – the GCC Family Business Survey 2017 – we heard from senior members of family businesses in the six GCC countries (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the UAE) about how confident they are in the future of their organizations, the challenges they face and the mechanisms they have in place to support sustainable growth.

From May to November 2017, 42 family business leaders completed the survey (largely during face-to-face interviews with KPMG member firms’ specialist family business professionals), helping us to create this snapshot of the trends and issues currently affecting the industry.


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