Program: Day 1 - 10 June

Tech startups experiential exhibition.

Coffee, tea light snacks.

Overall investment landscape in Africa

Exploring the roadmap for creating high-growth ventures in Africa, the keynote speaker will unpack conversations around the building and growing experience of startups.
From the Founder’s eye, the speaker will highlight key insights from starting to scaling and ultimately sustaining a unicorn while sharing key milestones, the strategies, and the challenges faced.
This session will set the tone for the founder-to-founder conversation featuring key founders sharing real experiences of their building and scaling journey.

Exploring the big question of why to invest in Africa, this investor session will bring a diverse mix of investors from early-stage to multi-stage, sector-specific to agnostic investors answering this critical investment question as they share the investment opportunities and challenges in Africa.

With a collaborative approach, moderated by KPMG experts, the session will also give attendees an understanding of the investors’ mindset, projections, and the best practices for entering and succeeding in the African market.

The session will also highlight the high-growth opportunities vs. potential risks of successful investments and lessons learned.

Tea Break

Lunch break

Tea break

Exclusive Event

End of day 1

Program: Day 2 - 11 June

Tea Break

Wrap up & next steps

Investor feedback discussions.

End of Summit

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