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Empowering Minds: The vital role of education in society
Unlocking the potential through lifelong learning

The social aspect of ESG is crucial for the growth of the nation and imperative for all corporates in India to actively contribute. Being socially responsible is not just a choice; it's an investment in a better future. This isn't just about giving back; it's about creating lasting positive impact.  A strong commitment to social responsibility enhances employee morale, enabling them to fulfil their higher purpose, thereby creating a ripple effect of goodwill in the community, and even lead to business growth. 

At KPMG, we've chosen to focus our community efforts on UN's Sustainable Development Goal #4, Quality Education. We believe that accessible and equitable education for all in our communities is the corner stone for development and success.  Education provides everyone an opportunity to raise above their circumstances and break from the vicious cycle of poverty and aligns with KPMG’s ethos of ‘Lifelong Learning’.

ESG is a watermark across all our community development efforts; it is more than just a commitment, it's a dedication to making a real difference.