Infographics – The Pulse of Fintech – Q2 2016

Infographics – The Pulse of Fintech – Q2 2016

The following infographics provide a global and regional overview of key findings uncovered from The Pulse of Fintech Q2’16, created by KPMG Enterprise and KPMG Fintech along with CB Insights.


According to The Pulse of Fintech, despite a large funding drop in Q2’16, funding and deal activity to VC-backed fintech companies in the first six months of 2016 are on pace to hit $14.8 billion across more than 820 deals by the end of 2016 at the current run rate, both of which would register as record highs.

The following infographics provide a global and regional overview of these findings and other key developments uncovered from the report created by KPMG and CB Insights.

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