U.S. CEO Outlook 2016
U.S. CEO Outlook 2016
KPMG’s 2016 survey of 400 U.S. chief executives reveals how CEOs are leading in times of extraordinary change.
The next three years are business critical. Two-thirds of CEOs believe that the next three years will be more critical for their industry than the previous 50 years. While confident about growth prospects, leading CEOs believe technological change will be one of the biggest factors impacting growth over the next three years, second only to economic factors.
Industries are transforming faster than ever before. The ability to know how their products are used and where their services are needed at a very granular level is already transforming many business processes and in some cases, the entire make-up of the organization. Four out of ten CEOs (39%) believe they will be running a completely different entity in the next three years.
Innovation is a matter of time. A majority (85%) of CEOs admit vulnerability about the amount of time they have to spend strategizing about the forces of disruption and innovation and an overwhelming majority are apprehensive about the integration of basic automated business processes with artificial intelligence and cognitive processes.
Customer focus and investment will increase. Customer loyalty is a concern for 89% of CEOs. Just over half believe they are not keeping pace with customer expectations. In fact, having a stronger client focus was identified as the top strategy priority for the CEOs, and 86 percent of the CEOs are concerned about how to keep up with the differing wants and needs of millennials.
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