Ilanit Adesman
Financial Risk Management & Insurtech Lead
KPMG in Israel
Ilanit heads the following areas of expertise: Basel III and Solvency II advisory services, including QIS reviews. EV reviews for leading insurance companies in Israel. Ongoing audit supervision of information systems, actuarial calculations and risk management for insurance related companies, pension funds, provident funds and banks. SOX 404 advisory projects for financial institutions as well as industrial and software companies. Part of the work was implemented in foreign subsidiaries (mainly in the US and in Europe). Various IT leading projects in Israel’s largest financial institutions (banks, insurance companies, etc). Ilanit provides consultation services to many companies in the process of purchasing new IT systems, including ALM (Asset Liability Management) and SAP systems (including Bank Analyzer and SAP HANA). ISAE 3402 and ISAE 3000 for financial operational installations, including provident funds operations, trust funds operations and custodian services. FATCA advisory services both to Israeli regulators and the financial industry (Banks, insurance companies and large investment houses).
BA, Accounting, Tel Aviv University
LLB, Tel Aviv University
Sivan College IT systems course
CPA, Israel