It’s not easy to make investment decisions in times of uncertainty. Even before the economic volatility, business leaders were grappling with a range of disruptive trends that were reshaping industries and sectors.
The economic situation has only raised the stakes. Now, decisions become more critical as investment risks increase; and strategies need to account for more and more unforeseen implications.
In this environment, what decision-makers need is confidence. They want to know how current and future trends could impact their business strategy and markets. They want to identify every opportunity and risk and then quantify them. They want a prioritised list of action items that provide in-year savings to fund out-of-year transformation. And they want to know they can deliver on their value creation objectives.
That may seem like a lot to ask. But it is not. KPMG professionals help organisations identify, quantify, prioritise and deliver strategies that create measurable and sustainable value. They let the data lead the way, leveraging deep sector experience and insight to root out value creation opportunities, quantify them and prioritise them. This work has led to measurable EBIDTA uplift. And it provides decision-makers with the confidence they need to make game-changing decisions in times of uncertainty.
This report looks at some of the economic trends influencing decision-making today. It explores what CEOs are planning to do about them. And it explains how leaders can start to quantify and prioritise their various options as they navigate their companies through economic uncertainty. Hopefully this report demonstrates to business leaders and decision-makers that it is possible to make confident decisions during periods of great uncertainty. To find out more — or to start unlocking value in your organisation — you are encouraged to get in touch with one of the contacts listed below.
Get in touch
If you have any queries about building value in your business, please contact Byron Smith of our Strategy team. We'd be delighted to hear from you.