KPMG Enterprise Barometer 2024

KPMG Enterprise Barometer 2024 unveils optimism and ambitious growth among Ireland's indigenous businesses, with nearly two-thirds (65 percent) expecting to increase turnover within the next 12 months, compared to 55 percent in 2023. On behalf of KPMG, RED C surveyed nearly 200 decision-makers in indigenous businesses and entrepreneurs across a broad range of industries.  

Almost two-fifths (39 percent) plan to recruit more staff, and seven in ten (71 percent) expect to increase staff salaries in the next year. Meanwhile, over half (58 percent) plan to grow their business and nearly seven in ten (69 percent) intend to finance their expansion primarily through their own balance sheets or internally generated funds. 

Domestic business crucial for economic and social success

Entrepreneurship underpins the Irish economy and capturing the objectives, concerns and aspirations of entrepreneurs plays a vital part in informing the policy choices we have when it comes to promoting entrepreneurship. 

For the second year, we asked the leaders of almost 200 leading indigenous businesses and entrepreneurs in Ireland to share their perspectives on business prospects, the business environment and the issues they believe will shape their futures. 

The good news is that most respondents are generally optimistic about the future. They see opportunities for growth and are committed to expansion. However, they remain concerned about ever-present cost pressures, and most would like to see further improvements to the tax system. 

This theme of relentless upward costs is a cause for concern. It hampers competitiveness and can act as a barrier to employment. Overall, it can impact on growth prospects and ultimately act as an inhibitor to a business realising its full potential. We know that these concerns are widely held by Enterprise Ireland and a range of other stakeholders and we will continue to promote suggestions and solutions to help address these issues. 

Meanwhile, and perhaps as an indicator of such day-to-day priorities, our respondents acknowledge the role and potential of technology, yet remain somewhat circumspect about the immediate impact of artificial intelligence (AI). Moreover, whilst sustainability remains an important consideration, there are signs of some levelling off in the concerns some businesses had about its impact.  

For the first time, we asked respondents about societal attitudes to entrepreneurship in Ireland. We think it is useful to develop a greater understanding of how starting and running a business is perceived. We hope that it will help further stimulate the worthwhile debate about the policy measures required to promote entrepreneurship in Ireland. 

Finally, we thank all our respondents for taking the time to share their insights with us. Their perspectives are invaluable in helping shape the debate and ensuring that every entrepreneur in Ireland has the best possible chance of succeeding. 

Alan Bromell

Alan Bromell
Head of Private Enterprise
KPMG in Ireland

Key findings
01 Leading with Optimism. 65% Expect turnover to grow in next 12 months. 39 % Plan to hire more staff 85% Say higher labour costs are biggest challenge.
02 Navigating Tax. 29 % Believe Irish tax regime supports entrepreneurship. 7/10 Believe tax regime is more challenging for domestic businesses Top 3 measures businesses would like in Budget 2025: 78 % Introduce tax measures to encourage sustainability. 78 % Amend CGT rates to encourage investment. 73 %Enhance EIIS.
03 Empowering People. 76% Say the availability of housing is a disadvantage for recruiting and retaining staff. 64 % Find it difficult to recruit the right people. 50% Have policies in place to address any gender balance gap in management team.
04 Building Resilience. 85% Are confident handling potential cyber-attacks. 15 % Think AI will reduce their workforce. 4/5 Support more action on climate change.

Get in touch

At KPMG, we are committed to encouraging and supporting domestic entrepreneurship and helping companies in Ireland grow. Our teams work nationwide to support privately owned and entrepreneurial businesses to achieve their ambitions.

If this sounds like you, we should be talking. We look forward to hearing from you.

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