Healthcare systems in Ireland and around the world are struggling with the same issues related to service access and demand, workforce shortages and staff burn out. In the future, the pandemic will likely prove to be just the first of several successive waves of crises expected to batter the sector. Kelan Daly and our Healthcare team explore the issues in our Healthcare Horizons report.

Globally, healthcare systems are at risk of being overwhelmed and senior leaders are under immense pressure to take action. New approaches to healthcare challenges are needed because historic methods are unlikely to be effective in responding to the magnitude of current and future challenges.

At KPMG, we feel that a fundamental change in course is needed in the ways healthcare systems are operated. When looking towards the future horizons of healthcare, we propose that an inclusive approach to transformation should be taken through which technology, communities and workforces are leveraged together.

To guide systems towards an inclusive future, leaders should also understand and harness the power of future trends in the areas of technology and data, consumerism, workforce, communities, and environment, social, and governance (ESG) that are expected to profoundly impact every industry, including healthcare in the next decade.

Delivering ‘inclusive’ healthcare systems will require radical transformation that leverages technology to evolve workforce models, empower communities, and create ecosystems that enable seamless interactions between local, national and global organisations.

Transformation of such magnitude will require strong collaboration between all healthcare system stakeholders and planning for crisis and change horizons rather than typical one-or four-year business planning cycles. At KPMG, we feel that urgent action is needed to help healthcare organisations stay afloat amid successive waves of crises and challenges.

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Healthcare Horizons

Healthcare system transformation and the journey towards inclusive care

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About Healthcare Horizons

To navigate towards the future, our global Healthcare Horizons report examines current and future crises impacting the sector, the risks of maintaining “business as usual” or technology-only approaches and the benefits of taking an inclusive approach.

This thought leadership also looks at how future trends are expected to impact society and the sector, while illustrating the art of the possible by offering predictions and showcasing how these trends may impact care ecosystems and specific care pathways.

Healthcare Horizons culminates in a number of actionable insights to help inform leaders’ transformation agendas.

Get in touch

This is a radical agenda for any organisation and will require planning for crisis and change horizons rather than the typical one- or four-year business planning cycles.

Our healthcare team can help organisations to navigate storms of change and plot the potential approaches mentioned previously into a coherent plan of action for what should be done in the years ahead — be that for overall ‘inclusive’ masterplans or individual elements such as strategic reforms to data, workforce, environment, community engagement and partnerships.

To start your healthcare system transformation, contact Kelan Daly of our Healthcare team; we look forward to hearing from you.