September 2023

Welcome to our monthly KPMG Asset Management Insights newsletter, which has been designed to keep you up to date on topical issues within the Asset Management sector.

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Podcast: Spotlight on Alternatives

In the first episode of our  "Spotlight on Alternatives" podcast series, Deirdre Fortune, KPMG’s Global Head of Asset Management Tax discusses key global trends and issues impacting alternative investment funds with Philip Murphy, Tax Partner in Alternative Investments.

The discussion includes Deirdre’s thoughts on the latest developments across different asset classes, the increased global focus of alternative managers, US investor sentiment and the possible direction of travel.

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Market landscape 2023 survey: Have your say

We’re launching our 2023 market study survey which aims to gather and consolidate views from across the industry on a range of hot topics from digital maturity to ESG to skills and talent development amongst others. 

Why participate?

  • To gain a better understanding of how macro trends will impact the Irish asset management industry
  • To be better prepared for the strategy development process within your organisation
  • To receive a report showing identified trends and key elements under scrutiny that could potentially impact your firm

It should take no more than 10 minutes to complete.

Contact us for more

For further information on the issues mentioned above, or any related issues, please contact Jorge Fernandez Revilla, Head of Asset Management

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