80 out of 100 responses provided by ChatGPT include false or misleading details, according to a recent study by a fact-checking tech firm. Knowing that consumers are vulnerable to the plethora of content churned out by generative AI technologies today, businesses and brand strategists need to become more adaptable in these challenging situations. We call this the customer-centric approach.
In the era characterised by artificial intelligence (AI), building an authentic brand becomes even more critical and challenging. Generative AI, with its ability to produce an infinite amount of plausible content, is set to supercharge the challenge of distrust towards online information, as the bar to pushing out deep fakes and other, subtler, sources of misinformation is radically lowered. Enabled by this powerful new technology, even businesses that do not possess sector experience or expertise will be empowered to create credible-sounding insights, thought leadership, and identities. In short, it will become increasingly simple for anyone to masquerade as a legitimate, experienced business, and to fake knowledge they do not, individually or as a team, possess.
In this new climate, brand trust will become an ever more precious business asset. As consumers are increasingly wary of the provenance of online information, corporate identities and claims will meet with rising scrutiny. Brands that have already invested in building high trust scores are likely to find the value of those investments significantly increased, as such consumers turn to them as islands of authenticity in a sea of misinformation. Brands that do not already enjoy deep trust, by contrast, are likely to find it harder and harder to engender it.
How can KPMG Strategy help?
The strategy division at KPMG Ireland offers a refined branding service for clients aiming to pinpoint their brand's strengths and retain a competitive advantage in the forthcoming AI era, integrating the following analytical and creative approach:
Step 1: Gauge present brand strength against competitors
We undertake an analysis of your brand's existing profile, assessing its strengths, pitfalls, potential, and challenges within the market context.
This includes using rapidly-deployed mass B2B or B2C surveys delving into essential brand metrics, including image, perception, and efficacy, and benchmarking against competitors.
Step 2: Discern brand's distinctiveness and unique selling point
We employ both quantitative and qualitative research techniques, encompassing client dialogues, questionnaires, and market scrutiny, to discern what genuinely differentiates your brand, whether that be product calibre, service, aesthetics, heritage, or emotional rapport.
Your strongest brand differentiators are then refined into a succinct, persuasive Unique Selling Point (USP).
Step 3: Devise branded content communication strategy
In today's marketplace, saturated with (mis)information, it's vital to establish an unmistakable brand persona. This requires a meticulously curated content blueprint, that not only appeals to the target audience but also sets you apart from the competition.
By interweaving a brand's fundamental values, message, and vision within every item of content, we create a narrative that attracts, engages, and retains clientele. Adopting avant-garde channels, comprehending audience inclinations, and maintaining uniformed messaging are critical to this strategic process.
Why KPMG Strategy?
At KPMG, relied upon globally to deliver the most confidential of services to thousands of clients, trust is a core value, and our approach to strategic branding reflects that. We understand that while durable brand trust may be reinforced by marketing, it is built on consistent, demonstrated performance.
As a result, our approach to brand strategy is different. Unlike many marketing and branding agencies, we believe brand strategy can only be meaningfully constructed as part of broader commercial strategy, which in turn must be grounded in solid business and market analytics.
We bring our full suite of business competencies to the task, ensuring that all such work combines creativity with solid analysis. In addition, our wide experience across sectors and thousands of clients gives us an unrivalled bank of experience from which to test assumptions, benchmark performance, and hone strategic thinking. Leveraging KPMG's global stature and renown, we're positioned to help you amplify your brand globally.
If you have any queries on how to build brand trust in your business, please contact Chris or Ananya of our branding & marketing strategy team below. We'd be delighted to hear from you.
Book a free consultation
Are you facing a challenge in building an authentic brand for your customers? Do you want to ensure brand trust across all consumer touchpoints that have an AI component to them?
We help CMOs and CEOs with their brand alignment in the era of growing AI disruption. If this resonates, let's talk.
Christopher Brown
Partner, Head of Strategy
KPMG in Ireland