The City of Amsterdam is one of the first cities in Europe to recognize the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in transforming its delivery of municipal services to residents. With their ‘smart’ city agenda*, they commit that every citizen should benefit from AI in a way that respects and protects citizens’ digital rights such as privacy, safeguarding personal data and helping ensure transparency.

This is an important debate in AI. Machine learning drives massive advances in performance, but automated ‘self-learning’ algorithms need to be transparent, responsible, and explainable.  Without proper governance, AI can easily lead to bad decisions, unintended consequences, and loss of public trust.

KPMG in the Netherlands worked with the City of Amsterdam and partners in academia, commerce, and the community to bridge the trust gap. KPMG’s ‘AI In Control’ methodology framework helped identify the risks inherent in the design and delivery of machine learning algorithms; we developed the ‘AI In Control’ governance framework to enable responsible AI innovation. The ROI goes beyond any single application: this is about a safe space for progress, in which AI and emerging technologies serve productive, sustainable, and responsible societies.