The National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) has made it possible to query the data of invoices issued by the online cash register from the NAV Online Invoice System. The new service is now available for testing.
Although the data stored by the cash registers is already available to taxpayers, NAV's experience shows that a significant number of enterprises have not created the technical conditions necessary for querying and processing the data.
So that a wider range of taxpayers can be provided with access to online cash register data in order to process and account records and perform statistical analyses, NAV has made online cash register data available for queries in machine-to-machine communication (API). The new function is expected to be available in live environment from the end of Q4 2022.
NAV has made the current version of the webservice specification available on GitHub, and it is looking for developmental comments and suggestions at: https://github.com/nav-gov-hu/Online-Cash-Register-Logfile
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