The special legal order is here again

The special legal order is here again

From 04.11.2020 a state of emergency has been introduced in Hungary

dr. Bálint Tóásó

Leading attorney, Partner

KPMG Legal Tóásó Ügyvédi Iroda


The Government introduced a state of emergency again by its Government Decree 478/2020. (XI. 3.). Besides the announcement of the state of emergency, the Government also introduced further restrictions in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus as follows:

  • It is prohibited to participate in such musical events such as nightclubs or concerts where it is not mandatory for visitors to purchase a seat.
  • In cultural (such as theatres, cinemas) and sporting events, expect from international sporting events, only every third seat may be occupied and seats placed directly behind each other may not be occupied.
  • Authorities will monitor the compliance with such rules. Venues that do not comply with the rules may be ordered to be closed immediately or authorities may issue a warning, impose a fine (from HUF 100,000 to HUF 1,000,000) or order the sporting events to be held without visitors.
  • Wearing a mask is obligatory in every event.
  •  A curfew has been introduced between 12 a.m. and 5 a.m i.e. with certain exceptions – such as commuting to or from work – everyone shall stay at home or his/her place of residence during this period.
  • The Government has also introduced free parking again and it ordered to prepare plans until 5th November enable to run trams and buses more frequently during the morning and afternoon rush hours.

According to the Constitution, during the state of emergency, the Government is entitled to issue extraordinary decrees, such as the aforementioned Government Decree 479/2020. (XI. 3.). As a general rule, the validity of such extraordinary decrees lasts until 15 days, unless the Government, with the approval of the Parliament, prolongs them.

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