Legal Newsflashes
Legal Newsflashes
Welcome to KPMG Legal - Branch Office Zagreb Newsflashes' page
Please note that every care has been taken to ensure that the information included in our publications is correct and reflects the situation at the date of publication. However, in view of the speed with which the economic and legal situation is changing, further professional advice should be sought before making specific decisions.
- 2022 - 02 - Promjene u hrvatskom radnom zakonodavstvu
- 2022 - 02 - Changes to Croatian Employment Legislation
- 2020 - 12 - Zakonske izmjene koje stupaju na snagu od 1 siječnja 2021 godine
- 2020 - 12 - Legislation amendments from 1 January 2021
- 2020 - 03 - Novosti u svezi predaje i objave financijskih izvjestaja
- 2020 - 03 - Changes regarding financial statement submission and publication deadlines
- 2019 - 11 - Zakon o zaštiti prijavitelja nepravilnosti - jeste li spremni?
- 2019 - 11 - New Law on Protection of Whistleblowers – Are you ready?
- 02-2017- Izmjene Zakona o strancima - The amendments to the Croatian Law on Foreigners
- 01-2017- Novi zakon o javnoj nabavi - The New Public Procurement Law
- 01-2015-Nove odredbe Zakona o trgovačkim društvima vezane uz sukob interesa članova uprave - New articles of the Croatian Companies Law related to conflict of interests of management
- 05-2014-Employment of Persons with Disability
- 04-2014-The new Croatian legislation from 01-03 to 31-03-2014
- 03-2014-Changes in reporting to the CPIFLNF
- 02-2014- Overview of the period from 01-02 to 28-02-2014
- 01-2014-Overview of the period from 01-01 to 31-01-2014
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