Marketing and sales leaders are under pressure to retain and expand their customer base in the era when customers are more empowered than ever to easily switch providers or substitute products. They need to provide the right service, through the right channel, at the right time, while continually improving the customer experience and keep managing costs.

The customer should be put in the epicentre of the business, having as objectives to drastically improve the performance of the marketing efforts, to generate revenue by closing new deals, as well as to increase cross/up sell to existing customers.

More specifically, the above objectives aim to:

  1. Create more qualified leads, using customer journeys and reliable lead scoring
  2. Quick convert to opportunities via automated tailor-made campaigns
  3. Result to high close/won ratios ensured by sales business flows with automations and granular reporting per sales stage
  4. Generate new revenue from after sales services
  5. Increase customer satisfaction
  6. Improve customer targeting by leveraging AI for enhanced customer segmentation and profiling

What is KPMG’s Powered Enterprise | Marketing, Sales and Service about?

KPMG’s Powered Enterprise | Marketing, Sales and Service brings together preconfigured industry-leading practices to help clients launch the transformation journey of Marketing and Sales functions. Customer-centric business models, pre-built KPI libraries, data models and reports provide alignment of Marketing and Sales functions to your customer experience. Marketing and Sales management plays a vital role in connecting the front, middle and back office. Powered Marketing, Sales and Service is designed with that in mind, serving as a blueprint for rapid functional transformation and addressing your challenges both internally and externally.

How can KPMG’s Powered Enterprise | Marketing, Sales and Service transform your organisation?

Our Powered Enterprise solution will empower your organisation to deliver improved value to both your business and your customer:

Powered Enterprise | Marketing: Following the customer and creating multi-channel personalised experiences demands a flexible, integrated infrastructure; Powered Marketing focuses on easily integrated, scalable open-access solutions.

Powered Enterprise | Sales: Powered Sales can help show the way, automating low value-added activities for customers and salespeople, or offloading them to lower-cost resources.

Powered Enterprise | Service: Powered Service can help re-make your organisation as a digitally integrated enterprise, positioning ‘benefit to the customer’ as a guiding light, informing all strategy, execution, and behaviour.

KPMG Powered Enterprise | Marketing, Sales and Service provides immediate access to leading practices and processes to help you put consumers at the heart of your decision making. It uses pre-configured cloud technology to help you transform your front office to meet challenges.

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