EU Audit Reform: Interactive map of Member State legislation
EU Audit Reform map of country legislation
To implement the EU audit legislation, all EU member states were required to decide on their local rules before 17 June 2016. These options can significantly affect areas including audit firm rotation timelines and prohibited services. Use our interactive map to quickly discover which Member States have confirmed their legislation and how it compares to the EU baseline.
The EU audit legislation contains several areas where EU Member States are permitted to go further than the EU baseline measures. These options have the potential to impact a range of rules, from the cap on non-audit service fees, to how a Public Interest Entity is defined. A number of Member States have already announced their local legislation, while others are still to be confirmed. The Greek legislation has been drafted and is expected that the legislative process will be completed shortly. As information becomes available it will be populated soon after on the interactive map below.
Interactive Country Map
With the map open, you can zoom in on a particular country by highlighting and selecting it. In the case of Member States which have confirmed their local rules, you can find out more by selecting the appropriate link in the highlight box to open up a full factsheet.
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