Nikolaos Vouniseas

Partner, Audit

KPMG in Greece

Nikolaos specializes in financial services and he is Certified Auditor – Member of the Institute of Certified Auditors Accountants in Greece. He has a keen interest in bringing together KPMG’s skills and capabilities in the audit department in order to deliver real value to clients. Having worked at KPMG for more than 30 years, Nikolaos has been the engagement partner of local large listed clients as well as international clients. Nikolaos has experience in the banking and financial sector. As such, his role includes providing audit, due diligence and audit related professional services to KPMG’s banking and financial services industry clients. Nikolaos also represents Greece at KPMG’s European Banking and Finance Group and he is a member of the Banks Working Party of Accountancy Europe (former Federation of European Accountants – FEE).

  • Audit
  • Banking
  • Financial Management
  • Financial Reporting
  • Financial Services
  • Financial regulatory reform
  • Financial restructuring
  • Public Policy and Regulatory Change
  • Risk Management
  • Transactions
  • Bachelor of Economics, Macquarie University Sydney Australia

  • Certified Auditor – Member of the Institute of Certified Auditors Accountants in Greece