Dimitris Iliadis

Partner & Head of Thessaloniki Office

KPMG in Greece

Dimitris Iliadis is the Head of KPMG’s Thessaloniki Office, with the responsibility to promote the firm’s business activities in Northern Greece. At the same time, he has participated in financial advisory projects in the debt restructuring and M&A domain. He has more than 15 years of experience in banking (credit risk, corporate banking, structured finance) and has participated in the arrangement of numerous syndicated bond-issue loans, some of which with companies listed in the Athens Stock Exchange. Since mid-2018, Dimitris is a honorary member of the BoD of the Greek Exporters’ Association (SEVE). He also represents KPMG in the Federation of Industries of Greece (SBE).

  • MSc [Econ], London School of Economics & Political Science (UK)

  • BA in Economics & International Relations, Tufts University (USA)