KPMG & Workiva hommikuseminar: CSRD aruandluse õppetunnid | KPMG & Workiva breakfast seminar: Lessons learned from CSRD reporting

26.02.2025, 8.30-12.00

KPMG x Workiva


Ettevõtete jätkusuutlikkuse aruandluse direktiiv (CSRD) nõuab ettevõtetelt väga detailsete aruannete esitamist. Peagi on kätte jõudmas CSRD esmakordse aruandlustsükli kõige aktiivsem hooaeg, seetõttu kutsume Teid seminarile, kus jagame väärtuslikke õppetunde CSRD aruannete sujuvaks koostamiseks, seda nii ettevõtte, audiitori kui ka aruandlustehnoloogia vaatenurgast.

Meie hea koostööpartner Workiva on turule toonud juhtiva tööriista ESG praktikutele CSRD aruandluse lahenduseks, mille rakendamise partneriks on KPMG. Üheskoos Workiva ja meie klientidega oleme tehnoloogilise lahenduse rakendamise käigus palju õppinud ja soovime jagada kogemust, kuidas Workiva platvorm aitab CSRD protsessi efektiivsemalt läbi viia ning kuidas sellest maksimumi võtta. Oma kasutajakogemust ja tähelepanekuid CSRD teekonnal jagab Luminor, kes on liikumas tehnoloogiapõhisele Workiva lahendusele. 

  • Seminar on inglise keeles.
  • Hommikusöök algab kell 8.30, millele järgneb seminar kell 9.00.
  • Üritus on tasuta, kuid kohtade arv on piiratud.

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) requires companies to report on their sustainability performance and management with an unprecedented level of detail. We are now entering the busiest season of the first-ever CSRD reporting cycle, and there are many valuable lessons to be learned from companies, auditors, and reporting technology providers. 

Our good partner Workiva has launched a leading tool for ESG practitioners as a CSRD reporting solution, with KPMG as the implementation partner. Together with Workiva and our clients, we have learned a lot during the implementation of the technological solution and would like to share our experience of how the Workiva platform helps to carry out the CSRD process more effectively and how to get the most out of it. Luminor, which is moving to a technology-based Workiva solution, shares its user experience and observations on the CSRD journey.

  • The seminar is in English.
  • Breakfast will begin at 8.30, followed by the seminar program at 9. 
  • The event is free, but places are limited.

8.30 – 9.00   

  • Morning coffee & breakfast

9.00 – 11.00

  • Welcome!
    Tarmo Toiger, Partner, Financial Sector Advisory, KPMG 
  • Lessons learned from CSRD reporting
    Marta Solà I Fabra
    Lead of Sustainability Reporting, Luminor
  • Roundtable discussion 1:
    Lessons learned from CSRD reporting

Coffee break

  • What changes are CSRD driving in the market?
    Henrik Sandin Director, Principal ESG Specialist, Workiva

Henrik Sandin brings over 17 years of experience in advising global banks and corporations on regulations, process enhancement and reporting frameworks. Henrik focuses his time at Workiva on assessing current and future ESG and FSI regulations and the impact of these regulations on Workiva’s products and customers. Before joining Workiva, Henrik spent nearly 12 years at Deloitte in their Risk Advisory practice in London, Zurich and New York. Henrik is a member of EFRAG's Digital Reporting Consultative Forum advising EFRAG on the creation of the ESRS XBRL Taxonomy.

  • Roundtable discussion 2:
    Technology solutions
  • Closing words
    Tarmo Toiger, Partner, Financial Sector Advisory, KPMG 

11.00 – 12.00
Q&A / networking

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