Why IDE is important for you

Not only is having a clear approach to promote Inclusion, Diversity and Equity (IDE) quite simply the right thing to do; it’s also something society, investors and employees increasingly expect around the world. There are several key reasons for developing an IDE approach:​

  • Regulatory scrutiny and pressures​
  • Access to capital ​
  • A differentiator for attracting and retaining talent​
  • Building trust​
  • Better serving customers and communities​
  • Improved chances for external investment​
  • Improved productivity and employee engagement​

Investing in I&D lead to very clear benefits:

Richer Brainstorming
A diversity of options & ideas can lead to richer, more productive discussions during brainstorming sessions.

Better Decision Making
Diverse teams are 60% faster at effective decision making than non-diverse teams.

Increased Profitability
Companies with ethically/culturally diverse executive teams are 30% more likely to experience above-average profitably.

Increased Creativity
A diversity of ideas and viewpoints can lead to creative breakthrough. Teams can be more adaptive to changes, to reflect their customers' needs.

Better Consumer Understanding
49% of employers are focusing on diversity to better understand consumers.

Fosters Innovation
Businesses that create an inclusive environment report a 83% increase in innovation.

What services can we provide to help with your IDE?

We work in a connected way to help establish, update, and maintain IDE approaches and interventions, depending on your ask. We bring together a range of teams who will work together to deliver for clients, including People & Change, Employment Legal Services, Data Analytics, Learning and others. ​

Our offering is focused on four key areas, underpinned by tools and accelerators to identify IDE challenges, monitor progress and assess impact. These can be tailored to your circumstances and contexts, helping bring the best of KPMG and your knowledge together.

We can help you analyse and uncover your current IDE position and opportunities for quick wins and big impacts with inclusion IQ diagnostics, Inclusion network mapping, assessment of diversity data, pay gap analysis/dashboard and sector benchmarking.

We can support you to deliver on your strategy through increasing your diversity and social equality and embedding an inclusive culture. This is done through inclusion culture and behaviour change, a behavioural science unit, learning programmes, policy and process review.

We can work with you to engage your organisation in your IDE strategy and ensure alignment and buy-in to commitments. This is done through IDE strategy room, board/exec engagement and training, action planning, target setting, ignition workshops and through governance

We can provide a ‘managed service’ or resource to support your central IDE team with core time-intensive activities such as: data disclosure campaigns, programme management of initiatives, internal or external reporting, equal pay auditing, and finally through advisory (ER / dispute, reward)

Contact our experts and read more insights here

If you or your company are interested in hearing more about our IDE programmes, you are welcome to reach out to our ESG experts below.