KPMG appoints Richard Threlfall to lead its global ESG

KPMG appoints Richard Threlfall

KPMG IMPACT to bring together KPMG’s global expertise to build a sustainable and resilient future


KPMG International today announced that Global Infrastructure Head, Richard Threlfall, has been appointed to spearhead its ESG and Sustainability business,  KPMG IMPACT.  KPMG IMPACT will bring together deep expertise and knowledge from around the world to help businesses, governments, and other organizations address the pressing environmental, societal and governance issues that they and the world in general are facing.

During his 16 years with KPMG, Richard Threlfall has been at the forefront of advocating the importance of businesses working for the good of their communities and the future of the planet.

Speaking of the announcement, Bill Thomas, Global Chairman and CEO, KPMG said, “The ESG and Sustainability agenda has never been more important.  As we begin to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic and move toward a new reality, we will all be looking for ways to build a better, more sustainable future. 

“I am delighted that Richard will lead our KPMG IMPACT team.  His passion for building a better future for everyone, everywhere, and his experience in convening and leading global networks will allow him to position KPMG at the heart of this agenda and develop solutions for clients that can really make a difference. The time to act is now.”

KPMG IMPACT teams will provide organizations with tools and methodologies to measure and implement appropriate actions to mitigate critical issues and to work toward real and lasting positive impact. It will offer client services that bring together the skills and acumen of KPMG practitioners from across the globe, with a focus on five priorities to help achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

1. Environmental, social, governance (ESG) and sustainability
Helping KPMG clients to understand and adapt to new and emerging changes to the business landscape by developing responsible and sustainable strategies, business models, operations and investments.

2. Economic and social development
Working with companies, governments, multilateral institutions, foundations and development organizations to support vulnerable populations while enabling societies and economies to prosper.

3. Sustainable finance
Furthering the integration of ESG in investment, financing, insurance and corporate finance strategies and processes

4. Climate change and decarbonization
Driving business models, products and services that address climate change and to help clients reduce carbon emissions.

5. Measurement, assurance and reporting
Enabling clients to devise improved methods, tools and frameworks to better track and measure performance.

“I am excited to lead this important initiative at this pivotal time for business and society,” said Richard. “I care deeply about the role of business in supporting the societies in which we live and see this as an opportunity for KPMG to do much more to help clients address the existential challenge of climate change and support the realization of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

“I look forward to working with colleagues around the world, and all organizations and individuals who share our sense of purpose and determination to make the world a better place.”

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