Official name change to KPMG

Official name change to KPMG

As of 1st January 2015, KPMG 2014 P/S changed name to KPMG P/S (“KPMG”). The name change to KPMG does not change the company’s registration number, which remains 25578198.


KPMG was established in February 2014 under the temporary name KPMG 2014 P/S. Today, KPMG has more than 300 employees in Denmark, servicing in excess of 1000 clients within the three main service lines Audit, Tax and Advisory. Tax advisory services are provided by KPMG Acor Tax. KPMG has established offices in Copenhagen and Aarhus with representation in Aalborg and Kolding.


Officiel navneændring til KPMG

Den 1. januar 2015 ændrede KPMG 2014 P/S navn til KPMG P/S (“KPMG”). Navneændringen til KPMG har ingen indflydelse på selskabets CVR-nummer, der fortsat vil være 25578198.

KPMG blev stiftet i februar 2014 under det midlertidige navn KPMG 2014 P/S. I dag har KPMG i Danmark flere end 300 medarbejdere, som servicerer flere end 1000 kunder inden for de tre forretningsområder Audit, Tax og Advisory. Skatterådgivning ydes af KPMG Acor Tax. KPMG har etableret kontorer i København og Aarhus, og virksomheden er repræsenteret i Aalborg og Kolding.


This announcement was prepared in English and translated to Danish. In case of discrepancies or doubt, the English version will prevail.


KPMG P/S, Dampfærgevej 28, 2100 København Ø, Tel: +45 7070 7760, CVR no. 25578198

KPMG Acor Tax P/S, Tuborg Havnevej 18, 2900 Hellerup, Tel: +45 3945 1700, CVR no. 34082200

© 2025 KPMG P/S and KPMG Acor Tax P/S, both entities being Danish limited liability partnerships and member firms of the KPMG global organisation of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.

For more details about the structure of the KPMG global organisation please visit

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