The European Parliament has technically approved the ViDA proposal, meaning that the proposal will now come into force. How will this affect your business?

On 12 February 2025, the European Parliament technically approved the updated draft ViDA proposal set forth and agreed upon by the European Council on 5 November 2024. Thereby, ViDA will now come into force using step-by-step implementation spanning from the beginning of March 2025 until January 2035. In this period, the new regulations will have a significant impact on all businesses operating cross-border within the EU.

Please find below a timeline for the implementation.

Implementation timeline



Several countries have already or are in the process of implementing their own digital reporting and/or e-invoicing systems, which will result in challenges with navigating multiple systems and regulations for companies operating in several countries.

Further, the agreed ViDA reform enables member states to implement mandatory domestic e-invoicing without derogation from the European Commission, meaning that most likely more countries will follow.  

More information about the ViDA reform as published by the EC is available here

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We are ready to discuss the challenges and possibilities that this new regulation will entail for your business, in order to help you safely navigate and be in compliance with the new regulations.

Feel free to reach out if you would like to hear how we can help you.