Are you ready to unleash the power of your tech innovation?

If the answer is ‘yes’, entering the fourth annual KPMG Private Enterprise Tech Innovator in Denmark is an opportunity you can’t afford to miss.

If you’re like most tech innovators, the entrepreneurial journey has taken many routes of exploration and progress. The Private Enterprise Tech Innovator competition is helping to accelerate that journey by putting founders and their technology innovations and tech-enabled solutions in the global spotlight. All with the support, guidance and expertise of an extensive network of business professionals during — and after — the competition.

We’re committed to discovering and supporting tech entrepreneurs who are helping to change the future, one innovation at a time. If you have created a tech breakthrough or a new tech-enabled solution that’s ready to make a difference in the world, entering the Private Enterprise Tech Innovator Competition can help put it on the radar of national and global industry experts, investors and potential partners.

If you’re ready to take your technology and your business to the next level, this may be the giant step you’ve been looking for. If it is, we want to hear from you.

Tech innovators and entrepreneurs who are ready to take their innovations and their businesses to new heights.

Tech innovations and tech-enabled solutions that have the potential to transform entire industries — or even the world.

If you’ve developed a brilliant tech innovation that’s making a difference — and you’re ready to grow your business — this may be the most important next step you can take to introduce your business and your tech to an audience of key influencers.

Watch the Global Tech Innovator 2023 event

Qualifications, eligibility criteria and timeline

Applicants are typically technology entrepreneurs who are successfully making the transition from the startup phase to the next stage in the growth of their businesses. They have developed innovative, proven technologies, established robust business models, demonstrated traction and have the potential to scale up globally.

To be eligible for the competition, you must:

  • Be a registered company in the country/region where the country/region final is being held
  • Have been actively operating for 5 years or less (in the current form)
  • Generate revenue between US $1 million and $15 million; or have raised at least US $500,000 in equity
  • Be either a pure technology or a tech-enabled, tech-driven or tech-led business
  • Not be majority owned by a large corporate
  • Be able to conduct all pitches in English
  • Be available to conduct an in-depth interview based on your application
  • If selected as a finalist, be available to pitch at the global final in November 2024. 
Process and timeline:
  • 3 June 2024 – Applications open
  • 11 August 2024 – Applications close
  • 12–23 August 2024 - Interviews with applicants
  • 27 August 2024 - Online pitch competition
  • 28 August 2024 – Announcement of Danish winner
  • 11-14 November 2024 – Global final in Lisbon

After submitting your application, you’ll hear from our team regarding an invitation to an interview.

What countries are participating in the 2024 Private Enterprise Tech Innovator Competition?

The 2024 Private Enterprise Tech Innovator Competition is more than a contest. It’s a celebration of entrepreneurship and technology advances that have the potential to leave a lasting and positive impact on the world. As the world watches this year’s competition, tech entrepreneurs from 24 countries/regions will take the stage, challenge each other and leave an enduring mark on the world.

The 24 countries/regions participating in the 2024 competition include: Australia, Brazil, China, Colombia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Ghana, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kenya (East of Africa), Mexico, Netherlands, Philippines, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Taiwan, Turkey, United Kingdom, and the United States.


Q: How can I participate in the competition?

A: To enter the competition, you must fill out the online application form for your company before the application deadline of your country final.

Q: Who can apply?

A: Any technology entrepreneur that has operated for less than 5 years and is registered and based in country/territory/jurisdiction that are participating in the competition can apply. Applicants must have innovative, proven technologies, robust business models, the ability to demonstrate traction in their activities and the potential to scale up. All entrants entering the competition on behalf of the company must be residents in the country/territory/jurisdiction they are applying in and aged 18 years or over. KPMG employees and contractors are prohibited from entering the competition.

Q: When can I apply?

A: Check with your member firm to determine application timelines.

Q: Is there a limit to the number of entries?

A: During the application period, there is no limit to the number of companies that can apply, however we request that no more than one application per company is submitted.

Q: What information do I need to provide?

A: If you’d like to apply, here’s what we’ll need:

  • Company details (name, address, company registration number, contact details)
  • CEO, founder and management team details
  • A brief description of the company, business model, any media coverage and proprietary technology (maximum of 200 words)
  • Details on funding raised to date, 2023 revenue figures and projections for 2024
  • A high-resolution image of your company logo

Selection Criteria

Q: How do I know if my company qualifies?

A: We aim to be as inclusive as possible; whether you’re a pure technology company or  tech-enabled, tech-led, or tech-driven, we want to hear about your growth ambitions.

Q: What stage should my company be at to be considered?

A: We are looking for companies that have been operating for 5 years or less, and must have a viable product or service.

Interview and pith competition

Q: What is the interview format?

A: All applicants will be invited for an in-depth interview and will be scored based on five, equally-weighted criteria. The criteria are disruption and innovation, market potential, customer adoption, market traction and marketing and long-term potential.

The interview can be conducted in either Danish or English and will last approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour. After this, an online pitch competition will be held for those who progress from the interviews.


Q: What do winners get?

A: Country/region winners will receive exposure and recognition through local media coverage and KPMG corporate channels. The country/region winners will also be put forward as finalists in the Global Tech Innovator competition, which will take place in November 2024.

The finalists will be provided with standard class flights/travel, hotel accommodation to the final.

The prizes cannot be substituted for cash or any other alternatives.

Q: How and when will the winners be notified?

A: The Danish winner will be notified on the 28th of August after all interviews have been held. Winners will also be profiled in the KPMG Winners Report. The Global Tech Innovator winner will be announced on stage in person and virtually in November 2024.

Further information

Q: What are the costs involved in participation?

A: There is no charge for entering into the competition, although all costs related to attendance at the semi-final and country finals must be covered by the participants themselves, where they are being held in person. KPMG will cover the cost of standard class flights/travel, accommodation for the one member from the finalist companies who are invited to present in November.

Q: Is there any publicity involved?

A: KPMG Private Enterprise will be promoting the pitch heats alongside various partners throughout the course of the competition. By entering the competition, you agree that any personal information provided by you with your entry may be held and used by KPMG to administer the competition.

If you are a winner of the competition, you agree that KPMG may use your name, image and company branding to announce the winner of the competition and for any other reasonable and related promotional and marketing purposes.

Q: Will I receive feedback on my application?

A: Unsuccessful applicants will be notified. Due to the volume of entries received, we are unable to provide detailed feedback to each unsuccessful applicant.

We value the time and effort put into each submission and thank you for your participation.

Q: Who do I get in touch with for further information?

A: For any further information please email

Applicants are typically technology entrepreneurs who are successfully making the transition from the startup phase to the next stage in the growth of their businesses. They have developed innovative, proven technologies, established robust business models, demonstrated traction and have the potential to scale up globally.

All applications will be scored based on five, equally-weighted criteria:

  1. Disruption and innovation
  2. Market potential
  3. Customer adoption
  4. Market traction and marketing
  5. Long-term potential

The decisions of the panel will be final.

About KPMG Private Enterprise

You know KPMG, you might not know KPMG Private Enterprise. KPMG Private Enterprise advisers in KPMG firms around the world are dedicated to working with you and your business, no matter where you are in your growth journey — whether you’re looking to reach new heights, embrace technology, plan for an exit, or manage the transition of wealth or your business to the next generation. You gain access to KPMG’s global resources through a single point of contact — a trusted adviser to your company. It is a local touch with a global reach.

The KPMG Private Enterprise Global Network for Emerging Giants has extensive knowledge and experience working with the startup ecosystem. Whether you are looking to establish your operations, raise capital, expand abroad, or simply comply with regulatory requirements — we can help. From seed to speed, we’re here throughout your journey.