The eSports arena has seen rapid growth over the past few years. It has quietly become one of the fastest growing sports in the world. In our report Going for gold we the discuss the opportunity for value creation. Historically, eSports was dubbed as a subset of sports culture with a niche fanbase. eSports is now an industry in its own right, experiencing mainstream growth and a multinational, multi-generational audience of tens of millions.

As the eSports industry matures the core value chain is assuming a similar shape to that of traditional sports, making it easier to leverage synergies. There is opportunity for media companies, traditional sports-focused consumer brands and telecom operators, to strengthen existing revenues while exploring the potential for new income streams. The industry should not be viewed as a new market, but as an adjacent sector within their core business offering.

We also consider the role of the regulator and how a proactive approach can help address teething issues as the industry continues to mature globally.