Henrik Barner Christiansen

Quality & Risk Management Partner

KPMG in Denmark

If you want to contact Henrik, you can do so by email: hebarner@kpmg.com or phone number: +45 52 15 01 00.

Henrik is a Partner and State Authorised Public Accountant, He rejoined KPMG in September 2018.   

In KPMG, Henrik participates in the management of the Company's activities and services aimed at customers in the financial sector.  

Since January 2020 Henrik has held the roles as Quality & Risk Management Partner and Ethics and Independence Partner. 

As a leading partner on engagements in- and outside the financial sector, Henrik has for more than 30 years provided auditing and consulting services to Danish companies as well as companies that are part of international groups. For several years, Henrik has been Head of KPMG Financial Services' banking activities in Denmark across various service and competence areas, including auditing and advisory tasks. He also has participated as a quality assurance partner and as a quality controller in Denmark and abroad. Henrik is certified by the Danish Financial Supervisory AAuthority (DFSA) within insurance and has previously holding a certification within banking as well. 

Henrik is a member of the Board of Directors at KPMG P/S. In addition, Henrik is member of the Ethics and the AML Committee’s under the Danish Auditors Association (FSR), through which he among other tasks follows and comments on developments in legislation, standards etc. Henrik is co-author of the book "Financial Institutions in Denmark - business and regulation". Finally, in the period 1992–1995, he assisted in carrying out inspections in banks and insurance companies for the DFSA.