• Matthias Schmitz, Senior Consultant |

My experience tells me that sustainability efforts within the organization can and should be used as a strategic tool to drive long-term business growth but it is often difficult for companies to keep track of and report on emissions, especially when it comes to scope 3 emissions.

So firstly, what is scope 3 emissions – and why should you and your organisation care?

To save you from a Google search; Scope 3 emissions are emissions not produced by the company itself but a product by the external activities controlled by the company. These activities include for example purchased goods, services, the use and the disposal of sold products.
Scope 3 emission data is both difficult to obtain but also to report on in a meaningful way. However, even though the emissions are not produced by the company itself, it does not make them less important and they are excellent drivers to propel your business into growth. Below you will find out how and why.

Scope 3 emission reporting allows you to take your ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance) journey to the next level. Meanwhile it allows you to build a stronger company culture, which fosters improved employee morale and productivity.

Ensuring efficient real-time sustainability data allows you to deliver faster climate actions at scale. By implementing digital solutions to drive your ESG initiatives through improved data and insights, you enable your organisation to be more transparent outwards and thereby gain trust, credibility, and goodwill to drive your business ahead of the pack.

Therefore, having innovative and digital solutions that help you implement a sustainable agenda is key. And in a jungle with a vast amount of opportunities, where should you start?

Implement the enabler

Among the multiple solutions that are available, our experience is that Salesforce Net Zero Cloud is the best software solution to enable your company to communicate your sustainability efforts based on documented facts through trusted data.

You want to be able to calculate emissions from your business travels, use of fuel and other scope 3 emission sources to gain insight throughout the supply chain. By having data easily visualised in dashboards and reports, it allows your organisation to identify improvement areas and take meaningful actions. In this way, you can set up your businesses for long-term success with an improved reputation, cost savings and reduced risks.

Alongside implementing an efficient enabler, it is also crucial to receive support to establish increased organisational transparency and move your organisation towards net zero emission by:

  • Identifying the right strategy for your company
  • Developing a climate action plan based on your situation
  • Streamlining carbon emission data towards one specific platform
  • Increasingly integrating data-driven insights to guide your future decisions.

By being enabled to guide your actions based on data and measure your progress against your own net zero goals, you can simulate different scenarios for your organization to achieve the fastest way to net zero.

In our next blog post you can read more about how to approach an initiative such as the implementation of Salesforce Net Zero Cloud from a strategic perspective as reducing the risks and challenges of digital transformation requires the right IT strategy from the early stage.

You are more than welcome to reach out with any questions or areas you would like me to dive deeper into in my next blog post.

  • mattias

    Matthias Schmitz

    Senior Consultant, Customer & Growth

    Blog articles

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