Optimizing return on investment during the build-phase involves effectively managing costs and ensuring timely completion of tasks.

Your key questions, challenges and objectives

  • For what purposes is a local Procurement department required?
  • Should there be a work split between the HQ and the local Procurement department?
  • Which procurement processes are locally appropriate to act in an efficient and compliant manner?
  • Which procurement roles should be allocated to the local procurement organization?
  • What is the appropriate sizing of the local procurement organization?

How we support

  • Design of a business case to derive the need and the benefit of a local procurement department
  • Target Operating Model (TOM) for the local procurement unit with definition of interfaces towards HQ
  • Design or adaption of a procurement guideline for the local entity
  • Selection and implementation of supportive IT tools for procurement on ground
  • Derivation of appropriate organization and sizing of a local procurement department

Examples of relevant credentials

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