Majority of crypto investors classify their investment as safe

Survey of more than 2,000 private crypto investors

Survey of more than 2,000 private crypto investors

Berlin, 04th January 2023


Despite recent negative price developments and headlines, the mood among private crypto investors remains predominantly positive. This is suggested by the results of a joint survey by KPMG and BTC-ECHO, the largest German-language medium for digital assets. More than 2,000 private crypto investors in the DACH region were surveyed about their investment behaviour (84 percent of them from Germany).

According to the survey, interest in cryptocurrencies remains high: eight out of ten investors want to continue investing in digital assets in the future (81 per cent). Two thirds of the private investors invested in digital assets rate their investment as rather safe (66 percent). The security of the trading platforms is also by far the most important aspect for investors when choosing an exchange (90 percent), followed by costs and fees (73 percent) and user-friendliness as well as the number of tradable cryptocurrencies (70 percent each).

More than half of the investors have invested more than 10,000 euros

On average, the investors have invested around 14 percent of their total assets in digital assets. According to their own information, more than half of the participants have invested more than 10,000 euros in Bitcoin & Co. For these investors, crypto investments often make up a large part of their total assets. Every second participant with an invested amount of at least 100,000 euros even has more than half of their total assets invested in digital assets. 

Interest also in classic financial products

77 percent of investors use crypto exchanges for trading, and almost as many use them as a wallet (70 percent). Three out of four respondents are open to using classic financial products such as shares or ETFs via crypto exchanges (72 percent). 

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Thomas Blees

Deputy Head of Corporate Communications
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft