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On 22 November 2024, the Expert Committee on Corporate Reporting (FAB) of the Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer in Deutschland e.V. (IDW) approved seven further draft modules of IDW RS FAB 100 regarding sustainability reporting by companies in accordance with the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), which were published for consultation on 29 November 2024.

The comment period for all interested parties ends on 31 March 2025.

The drafts cover the central area of materiality assessment (ESRS 1) as well as the standards ESRS E1 (Climate Change), E2 (Pollution) and G1 (Business Conduct), in detail:

  • Draft: ESRS 1-M2.5: Inclusion of entities in the group sustainability report that are not included in the consolidated financial statements and group management report for reasons other than their financial immateriality
  • Draft: ESRS 1-M3.1: Transitional provisions from ESRS 1
  • Draft: ESRS 1-M3.2: Linking the results of the materiality assessment with the reportable disclosure requirements and data points of the topic-related ESRSs
  • Draft: ESRS 1-M3.3: Significant differences between the material impacts, risks or opportunities at group level and the material impacts, risks or opportunities of one or more subsidiaries
  • Draft: ESRS E1-M2: The process for identifying and assessing climate-related risks
  • Draft: ESRS E2-M1: The disclosure of the total quantity of substances of concern and substances of very high concern in accordance with disclosure requirement ‘E2-5 - Substances of concern and substances of very high concern’
  • Draft: ESRS G1-M1: Disclosure of the number of convictions and the amount of fines for breaches of anti-corruption and bribery regulations in accordance with disclosure requirement ‘G1-4 - Cases of corruption or bribery’

The ESRS module statement developed by the IDW supports auditors and companies in the standardised interpretation and application of the new ESRS. The EFRAG statement are taken into account.

The texts of the drafts are available on the IDW website.

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