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On 10 July 2024, the Expert Committee on Corporate Reporting (FAB) of the Institute of Public Auditors in Germany (IDW) adopted the final revised IDW Statement on Accounting: Effects of a change of legal form on annual financial statements under commercial law (IDW RS FAB 41, formerly IDW RS HFA 41).

In the course of finalising IDW RS FAB 41, a few clarifying additions were made to the draft of the revised pronouncement published in December 2023 (we reported on the draft in Express Accounting News 44/2023). The additions concern, among other things, the disclosure of the previous year's equity in the financial statements to be prepared as at the first reporting date after a change of legal form takes effect.

IDW RS FAB 41 is to be applied for the first time to changes of legal form that are based on a change of legal form resolution adopted after 31 July 2024.

The adoption of the revised IDW RS FAB 41 was announced in a press release on the IDW website. The announcement will be published in issue 7-8/2024 of IDW Life.

KPMG Express Accounting News

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