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On 5 July 2024, the Accounting Standards Committee of German (ASCG) published two briefing papers outlining the status of the current discussions on the impact of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) on the planned GAS on reporting on intangible resources and GAS 20 Group Management Report.

The Accounting Directive as revised by the CSRD requires certain companies to report on the most important intangible resources in their management or group management reports and to explain the dependence of the business model on such resources. The briefing paper provides an overview of the ASCG's discussions to date and refers to a white paper published jointly with the Bertelsmann Foundation ("Intangible resources as value drivers for (sustainable) business - opportunities and challenges of the new reporting obligation").

The second briefing paper presents the preliminary decisions of the Joint Technical Committee on the revision of GAS 20. The paper also contains an overview of the links identified to date between the group management report and the group sustainability report in tabular form.

Both briefing papers are available via the ASCG's press release.

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