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The Growth Opportunities Act offers more options and high optimisation potential for partnerships. To get a comprehensive overview of the changes, it is worth taking a look at the main taxation options for partnerships. In our white paper you will also find a direct comparison of tax burdens.

The main changes at a glance

  • Changes to the tax relief on retained earnings: Profits of partnerships that are directly reinvested and not withdrawn may be subject to a lower income tax rate. The Growth Opportunities Act provides for significant changes here, meaning that partnerships often have an advantage over corporations.
  • The corporation tax option: Partnerships can benefit from lower tax rates and be treated like corporations without actually changing their legal form. Certain conditions must be met for this.

Compare and optimise tax burdens

Relief totalling 3.2 billion euros: This is what the Federal Council has decided with the Growth Opportunities Act.

With our expertise at your side, we will show you where you can optimise your tax burden. To do this, we apply a tax burden comparison to your company, taking your individual situation into account.

Download the free white paper now and find out whether your partnership is suitable for specific tax relief.