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Increased efficiency, attractive working environments, fast data analysis: Corporate Real Estate Management (CREM) makes it possible to view real estate as a strategic resource and use it consciously to achieve business goals and develop agile workplace concepts. This holistic approach helps companies to react flexibly to changes, which in turn strengthens their competitiveness.

CREM as an answer to the complex requirements of companies and the real estate industry

This is of crucial importance in the current situation. The real estate industry is confronted with regulatory requirements and sustainability regulations, among other things. There is also a growing need for flexible workplace concepts. The sector therefore needs a wide range of solutions in order to remain competitive.

Versatile fields of application: The spectrum of corporate real estate management

In the April issue of the KPMG Real Estate Bulletin, we therefore focus on corporate real estate management. How can CREM provide concrete support in dealing with complex tasks?  It turns out that the areas of application are diverse. They range from integrated facility management and energy-efficient refurbishment to the use of AI.

The main topics in this issue:

  • Liquidity contribution through real estate
  • CREM as part of the decarbonization strategy
  • Target operating model put to the test
  • Artificial intelligence and office real estate

If you don't want to miss any more issues, subscribe to our trade magazine now.