German Tax Facts App in Chinese
Download the German Tax Facts App now
Download the German Tax Facts App now
German Tax Facts(“德国税法概况”)中文版应用程序
德国税法以复杂著称。中文版应用程序 German Tax Facts(“德国税法概况”)为中国投资者提供条理清晰的关键税务信息,为您了解德国税法提供新途径。
无论中国企业家、在德国工作的中国员工还是中国投资者,都可通过该应用快速了解德国税法 - 以您的母语。
通过点击应用右上角下拉菜单中的“税法概况”,用户可以进入各个税务主题的界面。税务主题包括税率、津贴等具体图表。除税务主题外,程序也涵盖会计、公司法和劳动法相关主题。 该应用帮助在德国进行首次或大量商业活动的投资者快速了解德国税法等法律框架。同时,它还为已经或将要在德国工作的人员提供实用的个人税务及社会保险等信息。
German Tax Facts(“德国税法概况”)中文版可在 Apple App Store 和 Google Play 应用商店搜索 “German Tax Facts” 免费下载。
The German Tax Law is complex. However, the App “German Tax Facts” facilitates your taxation process when doing business in Germany.
Regardless if you are a Chinese investor or a Chinese firm with subsidiaries in Germany, the app will provide you a quick view about the statutory provisions of the German tax law in your mother tongue.
Moreover, the app contains a structured collection of important key facts about the German tax law and supports you while doing businesses in Germany. It also allows users to access significant Information to understand the different tax types and offers additional related current topics with brief explanations, for example current rates of taxation, tax exemption amounts and a many more.
The “German Tax Facts” app can be downloaded for free at the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store . In order to download the app in Chinese, please make sure to have your phone settings in this language.
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Xiaodan Wang, 王晓丹
Senior Manager, Tax
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
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