Ingo Rahe

Director, Audit, DPP

KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft

As a director in our accounting policy department, I have many years of experience in accounting according to the German Commercial Code (HGB) and IFRS for nationally and internationally active companies of all sizes and in numerous industries.

One focus of my work is the IFRS accounting of already capital market-oriented companies with its special challenges (including segment reporting, cash flow statement, share-based payment, discontinued operations, earnings per share).

In addition to group management reporting and remuneration reporting under stock corporation law, however, non-financial reporting (e.g. in the context of the EU Taxonomy Regulation) is also one of my main areas of interest.

  • Auditor

  • Tax consultant

  • Diplom-Kaufmann

  • Member of the IDW Working Group HGB Accounting

  • Member of IDW Remuneration Reporting Working Group