Alexander Geschonneck

Partner, Forensic, Global Head of Forensic

KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft

Alexander Geschonneck is the Global Forensic Lead, a partner at KPMG Forensic and a member of the KPMG Global Forensic Steering Group.

He is an expert on Internal Investigations, Fraud Prevention, White Collar and Financial Crime and Cybercrime. Alexander Geschonneck advises companies, banks and public organizations on anti-money laundering, anti-fraud and anti-corruption measures, as well as on the appropriate response to white-collar crime, infringements of compliance regulations and data theft.

Alexander is active in the German Institute for Compliance (DICO e.V.) and on the Board of Trustees of the Forum for Crime Prevention. As an acknowledged expert, he has written numerous articles and has contributed to a multitude of professional literature. Furthermore, he is the author of the German standard work on computer forensics on the correct procedure for the detection and investigation of computer crimes. 

  • Data and Analytics
  • Ethical business and governance
  • International Markets
  • Investigations
  • Middle Market
  • National Markets
  • Risk, compliance and transformation
  • Trust, integrity and transparency