Dr. Vera-Carina Elter

CHRO, Member of the Managing Board

KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft

I have been working for KPMG in Germany since 1996.  I have been a member of the Managing Board since October 2018 and am responsible for HR.

As CHRO, my goal is to promote our people as best possible and support their individual career development. In doing so, it is important to me that we live our values in our daily work together.

I started at KPMG in Audit before working a total of 18 years in Deal Advisory. During this time I enthusiastically advised major publicly traded DAX clients as well as family-owned businesses from various industries.

  • Enterprise
  • Family Business Governance
  • Family Owned Businesses
  • Middle Market
  • Talent Management
  • University degree in Business Administration (German diploma)

  • Dr. rer. pol. University of Regensburg

  • Member of the Board of Trustees of GUG (Gesellschaft für Unternehmensgeschichte e.V., www.unternehmensgeschichte.de)

  • Member of the Board of Trustees OfW Group

  • Member of the Board of Trustees of "Stiftung Deutsche Sporthilfe e.V." (https://www.sporthilfe.de/)