Security and the IoT ecosystem
Security and the IoT ecosystem
When it comes to the Internet of Things (IoT), you can believe the hype. In fact, IoT will likely be even bigger than most people think. But success in the IoT space will take more than slick applications, connected devices and advanced analytics; it will also require a robust approach to security, privacy and trust
It seems obvious that IoT will bring massive growth to those tech companies and IoT developers that are able to carve out a dominant position in this expanding market. However, with evolving market maturity and heightened competition has come mounting concern for current and potential IoT users, particularly around security.
Indeed, as this report suggests, tech firms and IoT service providers will need to work quickly, diligently and decisively to deal with concerns related to security (how well controlled is the device and the infrastructure?), privacy (how is data kept confidential?) and trust (how is customer confidence being addressed?) before they turn into problems. Those that fail to do so will have a difficult time growing in this new environment.
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